since 2006

Hansueli Tischhauser - voc, guitar, ukulele
Luca Ramella - drums, ukulele
live Video Los Dos im Moods


Flo Götte - bass, ukulele
Erika Stucky - voc
Jerry Milano - voc, show
Andrew Morrish - dance
Schmidi Schmidhauser - voc, tres cubano
Rams - voc, e bass
Thomas Ott - voc
Babs Hiestand - voc, guitar

Los Dos y Flo

Hansueli Tischhauser - voc, ukulele
Flo Götte - bajo quinto, ukulele, voc
Luca Ramella - percussion, ukulele, voc

Los Dos & Orchestra

Hansueli Tischhauser - guitar
Luca Ramella - drums
Filomena Felley - viola
Michael Flury - trombone
Flo Götte - bass
Ambrosius Huber - bass
Vera Kappeler - piano, harmonium
Marco Raoult - bass
Kaspar Rast - drums
Xenia Schindler - harp
Ruth Schwegler - text
Kurt Stegmann - typo
Andreas Wettstein - drums, percussion


Neal Sugarman and the Soul Pleasers


Grosser Bär